Ten Key Steps to Selecting a U.S. President: Do Not Vote for Another President of the United States of America Until You Have Read This Book


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I was inspired to write this book because of the growth of evil and struggles in  America among the diversity of race and culture groups as the population in America increases.  There seem to be a split, shift, and an attack in the way people in America are thinking: (1) not accepting  God’s moral principle of order, (2) not abiding by the Constitution of the United States (U.S.) in its fullness, (3) not reviewing facts on how the American’s President is selected, (4) not concerns about threats to destroy our religion freedom and democracy system upon which America heritage was established, (5) not concerned about the attacks coming from the growing number of immigrants living in our nation, and (6) the extremely disunity of beliefs and cultures among congress when making decisions.  Today, almost every nation wants its culture to be represented in Congress and be satisfied  before passing a law, whether the person is a noncitizen or citizen of the U.S. 

People electing the President and representatives to congress that are not aware of the American heritage, history, government, constitution, background, our Christian’s values, and how this nation was established can be a hindrance to moving forward on one accord.  For this reason, many Americans feel that our nation is being destroyed by the disability of leaders operating in our government advancing the needs of immigrants over the needs of the Americans, who have never understood this nation’s history. Many Americans think this is an oversight to the number of people (black or white) who sacrifice their life for our freedom to bring America where it is today.  We find many Americans and noncitizens disagreeing with the U.S. President, Supreme Court, Congress, Governors, Mayors Judges, and leaders in the America who are allowing numerous immigrants with diversity cultures to work in high offices in our government with no plan, desire,  or knowledge to understand our history and to assimilate into the America culture.  Many immigrants are seeking to divide or be a part of a subset system within America whereby they can operate their lives in America, and control separately under their leaders, culture, and law because their country was never granted permission to operate as a capitalist nation. Therefore, many immigrants are not related to the American’s government, lifestyle, religion, law, families, culture,  communities, and are not adopting the American’s lifestyle as a capitalist economic society.  Therefore, many noncitizens feel uncomfortable and want to eliminate our democracy, freedom, and constitution by reversing  America into a socialism, communism, progressivism,  Antifas, Nazism, and other forms of an evil economic system, whereby our democracy and freedom are being removed. We know America is not responsible to take care of all the people on earth. However, it seems that the younger generation of people in America mixing with the democrats and some republicans want a government where the people rule with no God, open border, no wall, no work to do, no protection, no policeman, no leader; such as the President of U.S. This is unacceptable to most Americans’ lifestyle because this abolishes our freedom, democracy that was built upon the principal and protection of God as stated in our constitution of the U.S.

Therefore, I am writing this book because American Faith, freedom, Families, and Values have been torn and attacked. We the people need to honor our Supreme Spirit, who is God, as our Spiritual Head to lead and guide us in this natural world of evil.  We also need a God fearing President, a godly man, who follows God’s instructions to keep America in line with God’s Will and Purpose, and one who will uphold the constitution of America should this nation want to remain under God’s supernatural grace as the number one powerful nation in the world.  

We cannot eliminate the spirit of hatred and please everyone and their culture that come to America, but we can assimilate under the Grace of God.  It is, “ in Him that we live and have our beings in life.” The scripture also states, “together we stand and divided we fall.” My prayer to God is to keep America as a great nation and place to live.

God Bless America

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