This book was written because many people are not taught the importance of starting a business and never get an opportunity to put their dream into reality. Therefore, this book is to help and promote the peoples who are interested in pursuing their dreams in life that needs help. The “Federal Income Taxes and the Small Business Person” is a simple guide to understanding key elements of the tax law as it relates to starting and operating a small business. We are living in an era of life known as the “Technology and Digital Age,” that is replacing jobs and is promoting the concept of owning a business in cyberspace on the Internet. Therefore, this book has vital information on helping people get their business started and established for greater economic potential, stability, and security in their life.
In the past, most people focus on getting a job because this is what has been routinely brainwashed into every person’s mind as they grow up as the only way to make a living. This is because the masses of the people didn’t have to pay a fee to get a job, and the only requirement is to fill out an application. Then you have a possibility of being selected for a particular wage earner salary-paying job. This is a good concept when it comes to ensure work for the masses of people, but it has various faults because if you don’t work you don’t get paid, you can get fired, no security for a pension, and of course, you can get stuck on a job and never have time to start a business. Therefore, working on a job can handicap many people too by taking up time that a person needs in order to pursue their dream for starting a business. Considering this, many people that dream of starting a business are never able to birth their business into the world.
Today, with the Technology and Digital Age, as the driving economic force in the world today, people are promoting individual businesses on the Internet. Creating a business has a greater return on the investment and advantage for families achieving wealth. Therefore, this book will be a great source of access to people in obtaining the knowledge they need in getting their business off to the right start. This book tells you how to start a business and it gives a list of steps to be taken to guide you in all steps. Most people said that if they have had this book when they first started their business it would had eliminated a lot of headache and problems.
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